Retinal Detachment

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    What is Retinal detachment?

    Understanding About
    Retinal detachment

    Retinal detachment is a critical condition where the retina detaches from its normal position at the back of the eye. This separation deprives retinal cells of oxygen and nutrients, increasing the risk of permanent vision loss if left untreated. 

    Warning signs include reduced vision, sudden appearance of floaters, and flashes of light. 

    Immediate consultation with an ophthalmologist is crucial to preserve vision.

    Retinal detachment FAQs

    Retinal detachment
    Retinal detachment is caused by a combination of factors including retinal holes, retinal breaks, or retinal tears, and liquefaction of the vitreous humor. Any tiny tears or holes in the retina can allow vitreous fluid to seep under the retina, separating it from the back wall of the eye (like wallpaper). Retinal tears may also result from a hard blow or injury to the eye, though this is rather rare.
    Not very common. Only 6-8 people out of 10,000 experience retinal detachment. Retinal detachment can occur at any age, but it is more common in midlife and later. It affects more men than women, and Caucasians more than Blacks.
    Bottle rockets, BB guns, racquetball, tennis, golf, soccer, boxing, and diving injuries can lead to retinal detachment.
    Yes, even a slight blockage of the vision caused by partial retinal detachment can result in blindness if not treated right away.
    Only if the detachment is due to a successfully treated medical condition such as toxemia of pregnancy or rare forms of eye inflammation.