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    What is Blepharitis?

    Understanding About

    Blepharitis is inflammation of the eyelids, commonly affecting both eyes. It occurs when small oil glands near the eyelashes become blocked, leading to irritation and redness. 

    While various diseases and conditions can contribute to blepharitis, it is often chronic and challenging to treat. 

    Symptoms include itching, greasy eyelids, crusted scales along the lashes, and waking with eyelids stuck together or dried tears around the eyes. Though uncomfortable and unsightly, blepharitis typically doesn’t cause permanent eye damage and isn’t contagious.

    Blepharitis refers to inflammation along the eyelid edges, leading to irritation, itchiness, and a greasy appearance with crusted scales on the lashes. 

    Individuals may experience waking with eyelids stuck together or dried tears around the eyes, often accompanied by a sensation of sand in the eyes. The yellowish tint around the eye in the picture may result from a diagnostic dye occasionally used in testing.

    Blepharitis FAQs

    Your Optometrist will use a microscope (called a slit-lamp) to examine the eyelids. He or she will look for crusting and debris on the eyelids.

     Blepharitis can’t be cured, however, it can be managed effectively with lid hygiene and treatment like Blephex.

    No, not at all. If you have children, they can continue to go to school.
    Blepharitis is often caused by an overload of bacteria that commonly live on the eyelids. These bacteria produce toxins that go into the eyes and cause irritation. Blepharitis also can cause tiny glands in the eyelids to become blocked (called meibomian glands) and these glands produce oil for the tear film. A lack of oil causes increased evaporation of the tears and dry eyes.
    Regular lid hygiene, Antibiotic creams and ointments may be advised where infection is suspected, Blephex